2010 - Love Never Dies/Love Never Dies Disc 2/13 Act 2. Scene 9. 'Please Miss Giry, I Want To Go Back...'.mp3 17.73 MB
1970 - Jesus Christ Superstar [Original Motion Picture Sountrack]/15 The Last Supper.mp3 16.61 MB
1986 - The Phantom of the Opera/The Phantom of the Opera [Original London Cast] Disc 2/07 Act 2. Scene 8. Down Once More - Track Down This Murderer.mp3 16.05 MB
1970 - Jesus Christ Superstar [Original Motion Picture Sountrack]/23 Trial Before Pilate.mp3 15.63 MB
1986 - The Phantom of the Opera/The Phantom of the Opera [Original London Cast] Disc 1/10 Act 1. Scene 8. Notes - Prima donna.mp3 15.24 MB