7. Regression Models/07 - Newly Recorded Video Lectures/01 - 01_01 Introduction and Least Squares/8 - 1 - 01_01 Introduction and Least Squares.mp4 42.33 MB
6. Statistical Inference/03 - Third Week/03 - 08 03 Independent group T intervals (14-36)/3 - 3 - 08 03 Independent group T intervals (1436).mp4 21.58 MB
5. Reproducible Research/01 - Week 1/07 - Structure of a Data Analysis (part 2) [1741]/1 - 8 - Structure of a Data Analysis (part 2) [1741].mp4 21.55 MB
5. Reproducible Research/04 - Week 4/02 - Case Study Air Pollution [1412]/4 - 2 - Case Study Air Pollution [1412].mp4 21.41 MB