
File Information

File Size:   103.50 MB
Creat Time:   2025-01-12
Active Degree:   1
Last Active:   2025-01-12
Magnet Link:    Magnet LinkMagnet Link
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File List

  1. Museums and the public 88.39 MB
  2. Museums and the public sphere_abbyy.gz 6.71 MB
  3. Museums and the public sphere_djvu.xml 4.05 MB
  4. Museums and the public sphere.pdf 3.80 MB
  5. Museums and the public sphere_djvu.txt 497 KB
  6. Museums and the public sphere_scandata.xml 59 KB
  7. MuseumsAndThePublicSphere_meta.sqlite 9 KB
  8. MuseumsAndThePublicSphere_meta.xml 1 KB